Welcome To VML!
💯 GOAL: always love yourself + others. Stay positive & things will work out, no matter how bad it seems at the time! Be in the know, get all the deets, discounts and more sent to your inbox SUBSCRIBE to our Email Newsletter! ❤️

Hi, I’m Vernard!

I’m Vernard a Maryland-based entrepreneur, who started out as a Security Guard & Fitness Fanatic. But, my passion for creating, love for others, and a desire to find my own financial freedom led me to a life of building my own brand. My first business was in the home improvement space, but self-love and improvement are my motto now! Hence the name… My initials are VML which is how I came up with the title Very Much Loved!
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Check out the VML store for t-shirts, mugs, hats & more!
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